The eye sees the nose, constantly. But the brain filters it out, unsure of what to make of the information. In Twofold, Partheniou explores the gap between what the eye sees and the mind perceives with a series of sculptural wall-works that toy with the concept of the copy and it’s double. The in-between space of cognition, mirroring and the double-take – recurring motifs in the artist’s practice – here double-back on themselves, highlighting the flexibility of perception.
Roula Partheniou’s practice centers on an exploration of the replica, with works ranging from hyper-real to distorted and reductive versions of everyday objects. Responding to the inherent properties of a given material, she isolates the quintessential qualities of a particular thing and highlights or alters it, in an effort to understand how the mind processes visual information. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally, with recent exhibitions at Oakville Galleries; UWAG (Waterloo); Tanya Bonakdar (New York); Art Gallery of Peterborough; Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran (Montreal); WAAP (Vancouver); and Blackwood Gallery (Mississauga); and with forthcoming exhibitions at UTAC (Toronto); Contemporary Calgary; and The Dunlop (Regina). A monograph on her work is scheduled to be published in the fall of 2016.
A preview of the exhibition can be seen HERE in the Toronto Star.