In MKG127‘s Front Space, Tegan Moore presents Specs, an exhibition of new work that is an extension of her material investigations into how weather and climate control is consumed and mitigated. A dry and delicate aesthetic surfaces from slight sculptures and print work informed by the artist’s notes on MKG127’s heating and air conditioning unit. After gleaning discarded elements, insulators, and structural components from mechanical devices, methods of melting, slicing, tumbling, and over-touching are applied among others. Moore collaborated with Minneapolis-based poet Emily Fedoruk to produce a diagram resembling the dimensional data-sheet provided by the manufacturer, Applied Comfort Products. Fedoruk’s own research in critical geography and cultural studies overlaps with Moore’s to draw connections between the building envelope, social space, the technical object, and metrical language.
Tegan Moore was born in Toronto and currently lives in London Ontario. She received a BFA at Emily Carr Institute in 2008 and an MFA at Western University in 2014. Recent exhibitions include Corruption of Time’s Dust at 221A (Vancouver) and A Negentropic Promise at DNA Artspace (London). Moore has a forthcoming solo exhibition at CSA Space in Vancouver.