The subject matters Dominique Rey explores focus on individuals and communities on the periphery of dominant culture. Rey enters their contexts to work from a position of inclusion that approaches, as closely as possible, the residing dynamics of social and psychological forces. Over the course of the last seven years, she has developed a project that explores questions of subjectivity among a group of Catholic nuns, Les Filles de la Croix (Sisters of the Cross) in Canada, Brazil, Argentina and France. Untitled (Photo Assemblage) is based on a distillation and recontextualization of an extensive photographic archive in which themes of stillness, precarity and temporality are interwoven.
Dominique Rey is a multidisciplinary artist working in photography, video, painting, performance and installation. Her work has been exhibited across Canada and in the United States, Germany and Slovakia. She previously exhibited at MKG127 in the summer 2011 exhibition Go Figure.