In MKG127‘s front space, Ryan Park presents Twins which includes new photographs and a video that continue Ryan Park’s interest in variations in form, states of being, and the passage of time as evoked through common-place objects and actions. The works in the show present pairs of what began as identical objects but have accumulated the marks of different histories. Two cardboard boxes photographed in a cardboard setting reflect evidence of repeated use, their ideal cubic forms bearing marks of function, wear, and decay. In the video, two fans alternate between periods of idleness and activity, turning on to exhaust smoke out of a window.
Toronto based artist, Ryan Park starts from a commitment to art making in close communication with moments encountered in everyday life. He approaches each project open to the material, contextual and poetic possibilities suggested by specific subjects. The pared-down elements in the works are simultaneously matter-of-fact and suggestive, oscillating between serious and playful, clinical and poetic, analytical and emotional. His interdisciplinary practice results in a variety of media including videos, photographs, and manipulations of found materials that suggest presences and absences, urges and constraints. He has exhibited across Canada and internationally and currently has work in exhibitions at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery (Toronto), Foyle Arts Centre (Northern Ireland), and the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (USA). Ryan previously exhibited at MKG127 in the exhibition A to B in 2010.