Black & White is a positive and a negative, a foreground and a background, a reality and a fantasy, a right and a wrong. It is the double meaning of what white says and what black says. The exhibition space itself exposes a site of white male power and authority. In Dean Drever‘s third solo exhibition with MKG127, he unmasks a mythology of strength and control to reveal how the oppressor shares the same disempowered space with the oppressed. In the hiding places of cultural identification, we find there is a need to create secret spaces where we can act out fantasies of power and possession. B/W V.2, like Drever’s 2011 solo exhibition Black & White, makes visible the struggles between difference and dominance, guilt and innocence.
Dean Drever has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions across Canada and internationally including the Edmonton Art Gallery, White Columns in New York City, the Mackenzie Art Gallery in Saskatchewan and Canada House in London, UK. He is included in the exhibition Fiction/Non-fiction at the Esker Foundation in Calgary opening September 27. The next day, Everything is Going to be Okay Again Soon, a major survey exhibition of Drever’s work opens at the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie, also in Alberta.