An insomniac, Horowitz spends endless hours alone, lying awake at night staring at the ceiling, pondering the inconsequentiality of one self measured up against the scale of the universe. “I made these works,” Horowitz writes, “with the impulse to highlight the interplay between the adventure of creation and the routine activity of simply passing the time. As if being-in-the-moment is too factual a predicament of/for being.” These works describe Horowitz’s preoccupation with the performance of time, space and chance.
Risa Horowitz has lived and worked in 7 Canadian provinces as an artist, writer, educator and gallery programmer. Her work has appeared in many galleries including Plug In ICA, The Saidye Bronfman Centre, The Mendel Art Gallery, and a variety of artist-run-centres with international exhibitions in Australia, United Kingdom and the Ukraine. Risa has received grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, several provincial funding bodies, and received the K.M. Hunter award for excellence in Visual Arts in 2006. She has a solo exhibition, Blurry Canada in Regina at the Dunlop Art Gallery Sherwood Branch in January 2011. During summer 2010 Horowitz drove the Trans-Canada Highway from coast to coast in her compact car with four cameras, two terabytes, a laptop, audio scrabble study tools, and a cooler. Risa’s Trees of Canada will be installed at the Department of Canadian Heritage, Toronto from August-November, 2010.