A Room Full of Stuff I Made (And Collected)
March 21 - April 18, 2009

K. Nicol’s work is marked by an obsession with collecting and turning everyday objects into artworks. His process is methodical, laborious and time consuming. He creates objects from start to finish by mundane repetition over countless hours. The diverse materials he uses range from small dead bugs collected from his studio windowsill to grid paper (with the grid lines scraped off and contained in an accompanying small glass bottle). Three of Nicol’s “typergrids” were previously included in the exhibition “Pattern Theory” at MKG127 in 2007.
K. Nicol studied at several institutions before giving up on any kind of diploma. He currently works in a studio in Toronto where he surrounds himself with old typewriters, clocks and broken things.
A Room Full of Stuff I Made (And Collected) Reviews
Untitled: Contemporary art in Toronto and beyond – The Star, Murray Whyte, March 30, 2009
Gallery Going by Gary Michael Dault – The Globe and Mail, April 4, 2009
Untitled: Contemporary art in Toronto and beyond – The Star, Murray Whyte, March 30, 2009
Gallery Going by Gary Michael Dault – The Globe and Mail, April 4, 2009