Some Dogs and Boats and Airplanes is a series of photographs that Bill Burns has been making since 2000. An exquisite limited edition full colour postcard booklet accompanies the exhibition.
Burns will also be showing his extensive salt and pepper shaker collection of dogs and boats and airplanes which could possibly be the largest collection of dog and boat and airplane salt and pepper shakers of its kind in the world. He will also be showing a number of watercolours related to the theme of dogs and boats and airplanes.
Bill Burns most recently exhibited at the ICA in London, England in the winter of 2008. Burns is best known for his Safety Gear for Small Animals project with manifestations of this project including an installation of safety gear and triage tents at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as part of Safe : 2005-2006; A comprehensive exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art in 2005; A Concert for Patagonia at the Bienal del Fin del Mundo in Ushuaia, Argentina: 2007 and Bird Radio at KW – Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin in summer/fall 2007.
His exquisite book Bird Radio – Vogelradio was published by KW-ICA, Berlin, KWAG, Kitchener-Waterloo and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln in 2007. He will present Bird Radio at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (KWAG) in summer 2008.
His works are represented in several multiples and books collections including MoMA in New York, the Getty Center in Los Angeles and the Tate Britain in London. Further examples of his work can be seen at www.billburnsprojects.com